Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Does real Left Media exist?

Another interesting Documentary about the lies of most administrations and the media to get support for a war.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Faux Attacks!!!!

This video compares Fox News' "reporting" during Iraq and now on Iran. It urges us not to follow the same path as before and avoid being dooped into a war with Iran.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

So sorry for more Bill O'Reilly Crap

I just can't help it. There are two people in the world that I can't stand, and get really riled up when they are in the spotlight: Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter. If they were ever on the same show together I think I might explode.

This clip is a compilation that starts out showing every time Fat Head tells someone to shut up, and then explore O'Reilly's perverted slant.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Fat Head vs. Dodd

Here is lovable fat head O'Reilly getting flustered in a debate with Senator Dodd about the website the Daily Kos. O'Reilly likes to claim that it is a dangerous far left website that just spews hate because of a few postings. Dodd points out that there are 500,000 visitors a day and many posts, O'Reilly is just focusing on 5 or 6 bad posts. Dodd tells O'Reilly he just doesn't like the ideology, and O'Reilly flips.

By the way, below the video there will be a link to the audio clip on O'Reilly's talk show were he said the thing about San Fransisco being blown up about Al Qaeda. In the video clip he claims he never said it and challenges Dodd to find it. O'Reilly always counts on the fact that his guests are unprepared. Well Fat Head, the Internet remember everything.

Link to the audio clip about San Fran.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fat Head

This blog is quickly becoming an anti- O'Reilly blog. Can't help it, he's such an in your face asshole. Here he is not letting someone talk and acting like he is the worlds expert on everything. "I think I know more than you do about American history and the Constitution." Fuck off.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Faux News

So the creator of the Simpsons just appeared on The Daily Show and made the claim that Fox does not believe that its viewers can distinguish between real fox news and a cartoon. Here's the clip:

and here are the link to back up what he was saying in the video.

I don't like to take sides on the liberal and conservative spectrum. I definitely sway one way more than another, but I don't like labels. From what I see though, conservatives have a really hard time seeing the middle. If anyone is less conservative than they are they think the person is a raving liberal. They are always screaming "Liberal Bias!" at everything. It is this attitude that makes them blind to the glaring bias in Fox.

It really seems like fox is playing to the type of viewers who don't like to think for themselves, and just like a figure of authority to tell them how to think. I am not saying that other news sources don't have a bias as well, but fox is just ridiculous. Enough ranting. Fox's reporting is terrifying and bordering on dangerous.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

So lonely.....

Great article on how Bush has alienated himself.

And another one referencing the last speaking on how he feels after his Libby decision.
During his last election, I actually had a friend who told me that Bush would go down as one of the greatest presidents ever. I think this is a strong indication that that will not be the case.